(Under Maintenance)

Mazora is a community server since March 2020, we started off with 1.15 (Bees Update), then 1.16.5 (Nether Update), then the 1.18.5 (Caves & Cliffs) and now the 1.21 (Tricky Trials Update).

Originally started the server as 'Triple Minks' which then renamed as Mazora. With multiple players & sponsors we made it to the top of the leaderboard a few times in the Sri Lankan region, during 2021, thanks to you guys.

Here we are today, with the 1.21 update! I, _bluuberry (formerly known as MaliCious), want to welcome you on our server where our friendly community awaits your presence! I know it's been a while, so let's join in and see what you guys have missed out on!!

Join us on discord to keep updated: 

Please ensure to read our terms and conditions before making any purchase! Be in-game, and enter the precise username you want to purchase items for, Mazora is not responsible if you add in incorrect usernames. Please kindly be aware that any payments made will not be refunded.

Mazora 1.21 Status

Top Customer Of The Week

0.00 USD
Mazora Discord